DMG MORI Open House 2024 in Pfronten

DMG MORI is once again inviting visitors to the Open House exhibition in Pfronten in 2024. From 22.01. to 02.02.2024, the manufacturer will be presenting its latest technologies and solutions for future-oriented manufacturing on 4,200 m² of exhibition space.

One focus of the exhibition is the Machining Transformation (MX) Framework, which combines the four areas of process integration, automation, digital transformation (DX) and green transformation (GX). According to DMG MORI, there will be a world premiere among the more than 45 machines on display, as well as 20 automation solutions and other innovations from various areas.

Among the innovations is the new traveling column machine DMF 400|11, which extends the DMF series upwards with a travel of 4,000 mm. DMG MORI will also be presenting the PH Cell 500, a new modular pallet handling system with a transfer weight of 500 kg. Another innovation is the holistic digital and data-based ecosystem CELOS X, which was developed for the end-to-end networking and optimization of manufacturing processes.

In addition to the large showroom, DMG MORI will once again be offering exciting technology seminars on the latest trends and developments in the manufacturing industry at the Open House. Further highlights are the Academy Area and the LASERTEC Showroom, where interested visitors can experience DMG MORI’s expertise in the areas of training and further education as well as additive manufacturing at first hand.

Visitors from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and China are mainly expected during the first week of the fair, while the second week is aimed particularly at visitors from the rest of Europe, Asia and overseas.

Further information and registration for Open House Pfronten 2024 at:
DMG MORI Open House Pfronten 2024

Company history of DMG MORI AG:
DMG MORI company history